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Views of Violence in a Changing Media Landscape

The project seeks to describe the contemporary sources from which people gather information on violence, and how different media sources are linked to the contemporary experience of fear of violence and perceived societal risks.


The project combines qualitative and quantitative research methods. Tampere Research Centre for Journalism, Media, and Communication (COMET) conducts the project in co-operation with Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy (ICLP) at the University of Helsinki. The results from the qualitative part of the study were published in Haara, Paula, Reunanen, Esa, Näsi, Matti ja Kivivuori Janne (2017) Väkivalta pirstaloituvassa mediamaisemassa. Fokusryhmätutkimus uhkan kokemuksesta ja rikostiedon lähteistä [Views on violence in a fragmented media landscape]. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto.


The results of the project can be used in public media critical discussion, and they are also useful in media education.

Funding source

Helsingin Sanomat Foundation

Contact persons

Esa Reunanen

Senior Researcher

esa.reunanen [at]

+358 50 318 5943


Paula Haara


paula.haara [at]

+358 50 318 7677