
These files, unless otherwise noted, are free to use for any legal purpose. I make no guarantees for their fitness for any purpose. However, I would like to know of bugs and other flaws in order to correct them.

Menu-Augmented Soft Keyboard Simulator

This is the software I wrote for the work reported in the CHI2004 paper "Performance of Menu-Augmented Soft Keyboards". The code is not clean and well commented. In fact it is a horrible mess pieced together from old and obsolete stuff. However, I make it available here to complement the paper. The results in the paper are somewhat different from earlier soft keyboard optimization results. Namely, my simulations gave a different rank order for the most efficient layouts for stylus tapping. If anybody wants to find out why, this code may be useful. The reason why I have not done this work myself is that I do not have the code for the earlier calculations.


For a quick overview of what menu augmented soft-keyboards do see the video

Text entry test package

This is the Java application that I have used in a number of text entry experiments. It does the basic phrase presentation and keyboard event logging that has been popular in recent years. A log analysis tool for doing my variant of the MSD/KSPC result reporting is included. A perl script that turns the logs into the xml-format that the analysis tool by Wobbrock and Myers uses is also available.

The .jar file pointed by the "download" link is what I have in my cvs. readme.html in the jar contains a brief description of the files. Please note that the jar is just a source package. You need to unjar (or unzip) and compile it to be able to run TimTester.
