Eastern European Parliaments

These links will in the future be moved to the main page,
but in the meanwhile they will be here as a very simple link list.

!!! Some of these are outdated. Will be updated sometimes or maybe never - just check them out.

http://www.iccs.acad.bg/press/contents.html Bulgaria (Info)
gopher://fenrir.psp.cz/ Chezh Republic
http://www.mkogy.hu/ Hungary
http://www.meh.hu/ Hungary
http://www.sejm.gov.pl/sejm_eng.htm Poland Poland (Govt.)
http://www.ibspan.waw.pl/cir/welcomee.html Poland (Govt.)
http://www.senat.gov.pl/ Poland
http://www.senat.gov.pl/cgi-bin/tr-iso?/home.html Poland
http://www.eunet.sk/slovakia/polit.html Slovakia
http://www.saeima.lanet.lv/ Latvia
http://rc.lrs.lt/p_lrs.htm Lithuania
http://www.sigov.si/dz/edz-ds.html Slovenia
http://www.vm.ee/ Estonia (foreign ministry)
http://www.guv.ro/gov-room.html Romania (Govt.)
http://dias.vsat.ro/ Romania
http://www.vlada.hr/ Croatia (Govt.)

The translations of main legislative documents - Estonia
Links - Lithuanian Juridical
Parliament of the Czech Republic, Chamber of Deputies
Rules of Procedure of the Chamber of Deputies
Overview of clubs - Czech Rep.
IZBORI-95 - Croatia
Sabor Republike Hrvatske
Home Page Saeima www
Eesti Vabariigi Valitsus
Central Europe Online Home Page
Some basic laws of Republic of Lithuania - Index